
Health and Security

COVID-19 – Currently, Adanu trips are open to fully-vaccinated volunteers only. This is due to logistical constraints during trips to villages and other remote locations. Adanu does not have the time or resources available to manage testing, quarantine, etc. Additionally, we don't want our guests to risk the inconvenience of quarantine is an unfamiliar locale.


Other Health Issues – It is always wise to take precautions to prevent contracting diseases. COVID and many other diseases (Hepatitis A and B, typhoid, cholera, HIV/AIDS, etc) can be spread through shared bodily fluids,  unclean food and unclean water. Adanu has an outstanding record of “healthy immersion”, offering bottled water and specially prepared meals. Any eating establishments we visit are trusted to serve appropriately prepared food.


Yellow Fever is the only vaccination required by Ghana law. Additionally, Ghana is a known malarial country, and it is necessary to take anti-malaria medication throughout the trip. For other vaccinations and medications to consider, please visit the CDC website. The weekly medication “Chloroquine” is not currently recommended for Ghana.


Ghana regained its independence in 1957, and since 1992 it has established itself as a stable democracy due to its ability to consistently transition from one legitimately elected ruler to the next. Ghana is currently a very safe country with relatively low crime levels compared to other West African countries. As with any country or city worldwide, you should be aware of your surroundings and use caution when you are in unfamiliar surroundings. Take sensible precautions but be assured it is quite safe.


With the increase in global religious conflict, it is good to note that Ghana has an excellent history of religious tolerance and inclusion. The country is approximately 70% Christian, followed by Muslim and Traditionalist religions. It is likely that when you go to villages you will see Christians, Traditionalists and Muslims living and working side-by-side.


Review a copy of Adanu's emergency response plan.